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Ciljevi i djelokrug – Aims and scope

Arhivski pogledi, čiji je izdavač Društvo arhivskih zaposlenika Tuzlanskog kantona pokrenut s ciljem pružanja edukacije arhivista u arhivima i arhivara u registraturama, kontinuiran doprinos afirmaciji i popularizaciji arhivske struke, te unapređenju arhivskog znanja i struke, kao  i stvaranju novog prostora za objavljivanje rezultata istraživanja iz oblasti arhivistike i srodnih nauka, u skladu sa naučnim i stručnim standardima časopisa. 

Cilj časopisa Arhivski pogledi je okupiti što veći broj eminentnih arhivskih i informacijskih stručnjaka, te historičara, koji će kroz svoja istraživanja, radove, stavove, gledišta i zaključke davati smjer savremenoj arhivskoj struci, iznalaziti odgovore na mnogobrojna otvorena pitanja, prevashodno u dijelu zaštite, korištenja i upravljanja e-zapisima, te iznijeti dobra pozitivna iskustva, kao i odgovore na određene dileme. Bit će nam zadovoljstvo ukoliko na ovaj način i kroz radove publikovane u časopisu, te iznesena znanja, iskustva i stavove, doprinesemo boljoj pozicioniranosti arhivske struke u Bosni i Hercegovini, te boljoj i izvjesnijoj zaštiti arhivske građe, kao kulturnog naslijeđa, kako u arhivima, tako i registraturama.

Svi istraživački članci dostavljeni redakciji prolaze kroz strog proces naučne provere zasnovan na inicijalnom pregledu u redakciji i anonimne vanjske recenzije. Radovi se objavljuju na bosanskom, hrvatskom i srpskom jeziku i engleskom jeziku.

Časopis se nalazi u režimu otvorenog pristupa (Open Access Journal). Časopis je u cijelosti dostupan bez ograničenja, te dozvoljava autorima da objave završnu verziju rada u PDF formatu u repozitorij ustanove odnosno nekomercijalnu bazu.

Radovi se šalju na adresu

Autori se moraju pridržavati tehničkih uputstava za priređivanje teksta, Čikaškog stila citiranja i etičkih principa objavljivanja radova. U suprotnom, radovi će biti odbijeni ili naknadno povučeni. Vrijeme koje je potrebno da prođe od postupka podnošenja rada do konačne objave u časopisu je četiri do pet mjeseci.

Treća lica mogu da koriste članak iz časopisa na način koji nije utvrđen Uređivačkom politikom i odredbama Creative Commons licence samo ako za to dobiju pisanu saglasnost izdavača časopisa (zahtjeve slati na elektronsku adresu redakcije, odnosno

Članci objavljeni u časopisu mogu se besplatno preuzeti sa web stranice časopisa i koristiti u skladu sa Creative Commons – Attribution – NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International licencom (

Časopis Arhivski pogledi ne naplaćuje Submission Charge ni Article Processing Charge, odnosno, postupak predavanja rukopisa, recenzija i objavljivanje radova su besplatni.

Archival Views, whose publisher is the Association of Archival Employees in Tuzla Canton, was launched with the aim of providing education for archivists in archives and in registries, a continuous contribution to the affirmation and popularization of the archival profession, and the improvement of archival knowledge and the profession, as well as creating a new space for the publication of research results in the field of archival science and related sciences in accordance with the scientific and professional standards of the journal.

The aim of the journal Archival Views is to gather as many eminent archival and information experts as possible, as well as historians, who will, through their research, works, viewpoints and conclusions, give direction to the contemporary archival profession, find answers to numerous open questions, primarily in the area of protection, use and management of e-records, and present good positive experiences, as well as answers to certain dilemmas. We will be pleased if, in this way and through the papers published in the journal, and the presented knowledge and experiences, we contribute to a better positioning of the archival profession in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and to a better and more certain protection of archival material, as cultural heritage, both in archives and registries.

All research articles submitted to the editors go through a rigorous scientific review process based on an initial editorial review and anonymous external reviews. Papers are published in Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian languages and in English.

The journal is in open access mode (Open Access Journal). The journal is available in its entirety without restrictions, and allows authors to publish the final version of the work in PDF format in the institution’s repository, i.e. a non-commercial database.

Papers are sent to the address

Authors must adhere to the technical instructions for the preparation of the text, the Chicago style of citation and the ethical principles of the publication of works. Otherwise, the works will be rejected or subsequently withdrawn. The time it takes from the submission process to the final publication in the journal is four to five months.

Third parties can use an article from the magazine in a way that is not determined by the Editorial Policy and the provisions of the Creative Commons license only if they receive the written consent of the publisher of the magazine (requests should be sent to the email address of the editorial office, i.e.

Articles published in the journal can be freely downloaded from the journal website and used in accordance with the Creative Commons – Attribution – NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International license (

The journal Arhivski pogledi does not charge a Submission Charge or Article Processing Charge, i.e., the process of submitting manuscripts, reviewing and publishing papers is free of charge.

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